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Lamb to the Slaughter' was written by Roald Dahl in 1954.
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Lamb to the Slaughter' was written by Roald Dahl in 1954. Roald Dahl is famous for writing children's stories, like George's Marvellous Medicine and James and the Giant Peach, which I have read and enjoyed. Roald Dalh also writes stories for adults. They are usually about ordinary people doing strange things. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote 'The Speckled Band' in 1892. His stories are about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Before reading this story I knew that Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective, working with fellow colleague Doctor Watson and Scotland Yard. The victim...
with the investigation, unlike 'Lamb to the Slaughter'. Which was a snappy story and a quick investigation. Even though the language is more old fashioned then the language used in 'Lamb to the Slaughter' I found The speckled band more enjoyable. Both stories had unconventional endings, which I liked and which made both stories more interesting.

People will always like to read Murder Mysteries because they are interesting and they make you think about what could happen, and you have to work things out using clues, which you have been given. A good work for your mind.

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