Reading a TV commercial. The first bit in the advert shows a predominantly red background with dancers silhouetted in the bottom left hand corner. I think that the silhouette is in the corner because that isn't what we are supposed to see. Even though this image shows enjoyment and excitement as the feeling you get from coca-cola, this isn't what they are selling. In the bottom left hand corner as well there is a small logo saying, "dance". The writing in this caption is in much the same style as the coca-cola logo so this and the red could...
would not work. Music for some adverts would not have words in either but this one does. This could be because there is no other speaking in the advert and this is to get the message across instead of having lots of talking over it and spoiling the advert. Also a song is catchier than a voice and people will remember a song more easily than a voice over. Altogether with the music and shots the advert is altogether is very lively and this is what the coca-cola company wanted to show as the effects of the product.
would not work. Music for some adverts would not have words in either but this one does. This could be because there is no other speaking in the advert and this is to get the message across instead of having lots of talking over it and spoiling the advert. Also a song is catchier than a voice and people will remember a song more easily than a voice over. Altogether with the music and shots the advert is altogether is very lively and this is what the coca-cola company wanted to show as the effects of the product.
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