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'Wuthering Heights' In this essay I will be examining the way in which 'Wuthering Heights' fulfils the high expectations of the gothic genre¦ As Wuthering heights was written in 1914
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'Wuthering Heights' In this essay I will be examining the way in which 'Wuthering Heights' fulfils the high expectations of the gothic genre?óÔé¼?ª As Wuthering heights was written in 1914, the time period, as it portrays in the novel is very different to the life style we lead today. Emily Bronte the author of this highly criticised novel in this era was born in 1818 she had two older sisters Charlotte and Anne who were also writers at this time. In my own opinion the pre-19 century was more formal and moralised than today's society we all...
it enables us to come to terms with the differences of life in pre 19th century and the 21st century. The gothic genre is a very different type of read I would generally go for but I found that style of novel different and unique. One thing I really enjoyed about this novel is seeing how people were and reacted to situations in them days, overall I can understand why this novel wasn't very highly rated in the specific time period of the gothic genre and as to why it is a highly acclaimed novel in today's society

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