Written Analysis:the omen
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The film that I have chosen for my analysis is, 'The Omen' made in 1976, written by David Seltzer and directed by Richard Donner. The aspects that I will be analysing are mise-en-scene and cinematography which are the types of camera shots and movements. The extract that I have chosen is where, ambassador Robert Thorn finds out that his wife, Kathy, is pregnant and wants an abortion. The film follows continuity editing. "I'm pregnant Robert" is the opening extract. The mise-en-scene is opulent. 70s mansion utopian feel: large leather couch; big television; lavish paintings; expensive looking lamps; pool...
part of him is willing her to fall. It then cuts to an extreme close-up of her losing her grip and falling with very bad effects to the floor below. Damien is nonplussed by the incident. Medium long shot of him edging away from the railings, then running away, as he has though some humanity and he realised what he has done and runs away from the guilt. The extract ends with a close-up of Kathy lying on the floor. With blood dripping from her mouth, climaxing and leaving the audience wondering if she is dead or not.

part of him is willing her to fall. It then cuts to an extreme close-up of her losing her grip and falling with very bad effects to the floor below. Damien is nonplussed by the incident. Medium long shot of him edging away from the railings, then running away, as he has though some humanity and he realised what he has done and runs away from the guilt. The extract ends with a close-up of Kathy lying on the floor. With blood dripping from her mouth, climaxing and leaving the audience wondering if she is dead or not.
In a lot of films, film directors use bias when making a film. They use it to make people feel or influence for or against someone or something. Bias means a feeling or influence for or against someone or something it can also mean a tendency to swerve and...
Words: 1578
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Willy Russell wrote 'Educating Rita' in the early 1980's. For the purpose of this essay I will focus on act 1 scene 1. This is the opening scene and also one of the most important in the play. Since this play was first brought out our ideas...
Words: 977
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In this evaluation I am drawing conclusions from the coursework I have completed. This involved undertaking a critical analysis of a variety of art forms that explore the theme of murder mystery. I will be considering how well the art form examples studied have been used in expressing this...
Words: 1181
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Why are people still so fascinated by the Nazis? I think it is because of the 'horror factor' which is similar to scary films. You ask yourself how a human can do such things as the Nazis did and the same question is asked in psychological horror films. This question...
Words: 1426
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Holly Golightly is one of the most interesting and complicating characters that can ever be written about. She doesn"t even know her own self. Holly thinks that she is independent and self reliant. "I"ve taken care of myself for a long time."p.27 Even OJ Berman her agent knew that she...
Words: 429
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