At the end of WWII the americans droped the atom bomb on Hiroshima Aug 6 1945 and Nagasaki Aug 9 1945 two Japanease cities. This was a result of japans early attempts to make an empire in south-east asia. Japan had motives for making an empire in south-east asia. one was its growing population and it needed more space to expand, also Japan had little to none raw materials and they had to import them from other countries. After WWI Japan was disappointed because they fought along side the allied and at the end of the war Japan...
use a weapon of mass destruction, but Japan refused to surrender. On the 6 August 1945 the American bomber Enola Gay flew over the Japanease city of Hiroshima and droped the atom bomb Little Boy which killed and destroyed the whole city and the few how survived died a few days later due to radiation sickness. Three days later ,9 August 1945, the Americans droped another atom bomb Fat Man on the Japanease city of Nagasaki. On the 14 August 1945 the Japanease government surrendered and most of the generals commited suicide. The allies governed Japan untill 1952.

use a weapon of mass destruction, but Japan refused to surrender. On the 6 August 1945 the American bomber Enola Gay flew over the Japanease city of Hiroshima and droped the atom bomb Little Boy which killed and destroyed the whole city and the few how survived died a few days later due to radiation sickness. Three days later ,9 August 1945, the Americans droped another atom bomb Fat Man on the Japanease city of Nagasaki. On the 14 August 1945 the Japanease government surrendered and most of the generals commited suicide. The allies governed Japan untill 1952.
There was an economic boom in the 1920s for 5 main reasons. Firstly the growing strength of American Industry meant that the USA was a leading producer of many raw materials. This was partly due to the second main cause of the boom, which was World War 1. This had...
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In this essay I will explain how Mussolini was able to come to power in 1922 with help from fascists. In my answer I will look and study different ideas that may or may not be linked to Mussolini coming to power. At the start of the 20th...
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the weimar government began in 1919. it had lots of problems to overcome. some of these problems would be difficult to solve, but it was essential for the survival of the weimar republic that they should be solved. If this could not be done the government would remain weak. ...
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The Nazis government used propaganda to spread the point of view of the governments itself and to exclude differing opinions. Propaganda was in place to manipulate ideas by using words and phrases. This was with the help of Josef Goebbels who was the propaganda chief. Propaganda was not the most...
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Assignment Two - [Question 1] Source A an east end news paper report shows us about how Polly Nicholls was murdered such as that the two murders of Polly Nicholls and Martha Tabram shocked the people of the East end "two murders which have startled London" this doesn't just make...
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