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The homefront in world war 2
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In September 1939 Britain went to war against Germany, the war lasted until 1945 in Europe. Throughout this time there was always a front, which was constant, this was the home front. The home front was the front at which the British people were involved. Those who were not fighting were expected to work for the British war gain and to support the war fully. They were also expected to make some sacrifices for the good of the country. During the war, media was everywhere, on lampposts, in shops; anywhere a person went they would see propaganda all around...

Women were seen as less important and less able than men were. Women were refused jobs and could not join the armed forces. Instead, most women were housewives and supported by their husbands. Those that did have jobs were often in unskilled labour, such as textiles. However as the war progressed and women participated in the war effort and were conscripted in 1941, people started to see women as equal and just as capable as men were. Women had the chance to prove to the country that they could work hard, and got equal rights in return.

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