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Was the Treaty of Versailles Just?
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In 1919 the mood between France and Germany was very bad. The French wanted to get everything they could out of Germany. They felt that it was Germany who had started the war and therefore it was Germany that should pay for everything. The French minister Geddes had referred to it as "squeezing lemons" because he wanted to squeeze Germany for everything they had. The reason he felt like this was that after the last War, the Germans had treated France just as badly so he wanted to do to them what they had done to France. He also knew...
The USA's reaction was that they felt that the treaty was harsh and unjust although they believed that Germany should be punished. They were happy about the League of Nations but then the Senate changed to isolationism and rejected it.

Overall Britain was the only country that was truly happy with the treaty. Germany thought it was too harsh. France thought it wasn't harsh enough and Wilson thought it was too harsh but didn't get the League of Nations he wanted so much. The rest of the USA didn't really care because they had turned to isolationism.

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