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Why did the Nazis treatment of Jews change from 1939-45?
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Nazi treatment of the Jews between 1939 and 1949 changed in Germany because of six reasons. Most of these reasons were because of the outbreak of war. The main reason was that war had broken out. Hitler had stated repeatedly that if a war were to break out in Europe, he would unleash tremendous suffering on European Jews, who he blamed for loosing the war. The first reason was that as Hitler conquered new land there were more Jews under his control. 2, 600,000 Jews were captured in Poland and 75, 000 in the USSR. The camps gradually filled...
threat of him loosing power. Hitler and his party had the power to do anything. Finaly the German people had accepted anti-Semitism they became complicit and made it an acceptable part of everyday life. They did not support the movement but some benefited as jobs became free and unemployment went down. In conclusion the Nazi treatment of the Jews changed between 1939 and 1949 because of six reasons. Four of these reasons were to do with war but the main causes were outside of war like the German people had accepting anti-Semitism, this allowed Hitler to kill without thought.
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