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My aim is to find out whether temperature has an effect on a rate of the reaction.
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My aim is to find out whether temperature has an effect on a rate of the reaction. I am going to be using the example of the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid. Prediction I predict that the higher the temperature, the more quickly the reaction will occur. This is because with heat, the particles of sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid have more energy. This causes them to move around more. It works like this for all substances, not just those two. Chemical reactions require collisions, and if particles are moving around more quickly they...
out how long the reaction took to occur. For example, we could shine a torch through the conical flask, and as soon as the light cannot shine through any more, we would stop the stopwatch. This would be one of the things I'd change if I did the experiment again in the future.

For further work to our experiment, we could perform the experiment in a vacuum, as then there would be no other factors that can affect our results, other than temperature, which is the variable we wanted.

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