A trolley is positioned the top of a ramp, the summit being Xcm from the ground.
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A trolley is positioned the top of a ramp, the summit being Xcm from the ground. It is then released, rolling all the way down the ramp which is a set length, then comes in to contact with the ground and travels a distance of 2 meters before it passes a line. Once the trolley cleared the ramp we began timing, then once it reached the 2 meter waypoint we stopped the timer, by doing this we are able to determine the speed of the trolley. Based on existing scientific knowledge, I know that this experiment depends on...
performing the experiment on the actual ramp itself we could have eliminated a lot of this friction, but not all of it because that would be virtually impossible, this experiment also shows me that friction has a much stronger effect on material than I had originally expected. If the results had been more accurate we could have worked out a formula for the amount of energy lost through friction, but our results would need to be very accurate to calculate this and we have run out of time and do not have the sufficient materials to do this.
performing the experiment on the actual ramp itself we could have eliminated a lot of this friction, but not all of it because that would be virtually impossible, this experiment also shows me that friction has a much stronger effect on material than I had originally expected. If the results had been more accurate we could have worked out a formula for the amount of energy lost through friction, but our results would need to be very accurate to calculate this and we have run out of time and do not have the sufficient materials to do this.
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