Aim: To investigate the heat loss of the insulating materials, bubble wrap, cotton wool, blanket and foil Introduction: I will carry out this investigation by measuring the temperature of hot water in beakers insulated with these materials.
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Aim: To investigate the heat loss of the insulating materials, bubble wrap, cotton wool, blanket and foil Introduction: I will carry out this investigation by measuring the temperature of hot water in beakers insulated with these materials. Naturally the insulated beaker with the warmest water will have prevented the most heat loss. To understand how materials prevent heat loss I need to look at the three ways in which heat can be transferred or lost to the surroundings. One of the ways is conduction. This is when heat energy is transported along an object from the...
was if was available to me, I would have used a data logger with temperature probe. This would have given me very accurate readings every second. I could have also used polystyrene lids to reduce heat loss by convection in the beakers.
was if was available to me, I would have used a data logger with temperature probe. This would have given me very accurate readings every second. I could have also used polystyrene lids to reduce heat loss by convection in the beakers.
To extend by investigation I could have used different beakers like copper cans to see how the material of the beaker affects the rate of heat loss. In addition I could look at the effect of the amount of layers of material insulating the beaker as well as looking at different volumes of boiling water.
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Aim: To find out how temperature affects the viscosity of oil. Equipment: Oil, water bath, thermometer, beaker and funnel, measuring cylinder Plan: Oil will be poured through a funnel into a beaker. We will be timing how long it takes the oil to pour completely out...
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Mankind has always been fascinated with the thought of what everything is made of. The answer can be found in the periodic table but that hasn't always been the case?óÔé¼?ª?óÔé¼?ª?óÔé¼?ª Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away live a Greek scientist called Aristotle shown right. Around 300BC...
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I plan to see if the body size of an animal affects its heat loss. I am going to do this by using three glass beakers with various amounts of boiling water in them. I will then see which beaker looses its heat the fastest or the slowest....
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INTRODUCTION This piece of physics coursework is an investigation, which will try to find out the factors affecting the resistance of a wire and reasons behind these. Mechanism of conduction: - In metals there is conduction most metals follow ohmic-law but in plastics there is...
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