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How it works

How the EssayBank Registration Works

There are two ways to register for an EssayBank account. First is by paying on PayPal with your credit or debit card for instant access; and second is by submitting an essay for approval. One accepted essay allows one whole week of full access to our vast collection of essays!

Making an online payment via Paypal for Instant Access

  • When filling out the registration form, simply provide the requested information (email address, username and password) and select the type of membership you are interested in. Note that the corresponding amount for each membership type is listed on the registration form as well.
  • When all the required details have been filled out, click on 'Join by PayPal'. You will then be directed to the secure PayPal online payment gateway.
  • Once your payment is successfully processed, you will be automatically directed to EssayBank's 'Thank You' page and 2 confirmation emails will be sent to you separately by PayPal (your payment receipt) and EssayBank (a record of your login credentials).
  • Two weeks prior to the expiration of your EssayBank membership, a notification email will be sent to you inviting you to extend your membership either by paying for instant access through PayPal or by submitting an essay for approval.
  • If you did not choose the option of extending your EssayBank membership, you will receive a notification email on the expiration date of your account. Of course, you will still have the option of renewing your membership anytime you choose!

Submitting your Original Essay in exchange for 1 - Week Full Access!

** This option is only available to users who are using regular desktop or laptop computers. For iPhone and iPad users, only the PayPal option is available.

  • Fill out the requested information on the registration form, i.e. your email address, preferred username and password.
  • When all the required details have been provided, click on 'Join by submitting essay'. You will then be directed to the next page where you can upload your essay or copy-and-paste its contents.
  • You will then be asked to select the essay's primary subject area from the drop down list.
  • Next you need to enter keywords or tags that relate to your essay. For example, if the essay is about Shakespeare, the tags can be English Literature, Arts, and so on.
  • Once the essay has been tagged and categorised, click on the submit button.
  • You will then receive an email confirming your EssayBank account registration along with your login credentials. You may login to the website and check on the status of your submitted essay.
  • You can expect a notification email from EssayBank within 72 hours of uploading your essay. If the essay has been approved, you will have full access to our website straightaway. Otherwise, you will have the option of uploading another essay for approval.
  • Two weeks prior to the expiration of your full 1-week access to our essay database, a notification email will be sent to you inviting you to extend your membership either by paying for instant access through PayPal or by submitting another essay for approval.
  • If you do not opt to extend your EssayBank membership, you will receive a notification email advising you of your last day of free access. The option of renewing your membership, however, will be available to you anytime you choose.