Top Essay Writing Mistakes
University students face essay writing tasks regularly while pursuing their degree. To create good quality essays, students need to conduct research, organise their ideas, and translate those ideas in a well-structured manner onto paper. This is by no means a straightforward task; and many students can easily fall prey to essay writing mistakes.
To avoid making essay writing mistakes, students must first know what those mistakes are. This essay writing guide provides a list of some of the most common writing mistakes students make when creating an essay:

- Failing to answer the question or part of the question. Essay writing assignments are handed out so students can discuss essay topics or answer questions presented by the professor. Neglecting to answer the question, or part of it, is a sure sign that the student has failed to get a clear understanding of the assignment.
- Producing a poorly-structured essay. Ideas that are to be included in an essay need to be presented in a well-structured manner. This makes the flow of ideas easier to comprehend, and essentially, presents the arguments in a comprehensive and effective manner. Readers can get lost in an essay that is littered with ideas that are weakly organised, and therefore may fail to grasp the purpose of the essay.
- Presenting weak arguments. An essay must present ideas that are supported by evidence or fact. The failure to present such supporting information can render an essay, no matter the number of ideas included, ineffective in informing the reader of its purpose.
- Plagiarism. Writing an essay requires putting together several ideas and notes that are acquired through research. Students can pick up information from books, essay examples, publications, and several other types of references. Information copied from another source should be credited to the source or author. As all essay writing guides will state: students should ALWAYS document any quotes and provide citations to avoid plagiarism.
- Typographical and punctuation errors. Any errors that occur due to carelessness can spell the difference between passing and failing marks. Students should edit, review, and proof read their essays before handing it in to ensure that no errors remain.
There are many other essay writing guides available. Using these, together with sample essays, as a source of essay help can aid students in improving their writing skills and avoiding essay writing mistakes.