Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Munitions and Armaments throughout Germany's course in World War II, had a profound impact on Germany during the period 1918-1945.
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DegreeHistory : English History Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Munitions and Armaments throughout Germany's...
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Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Munitions and Armaments throughout Germany's course in World War II, had a profound impact on Germany during the period 1918-1945. This is due to the fact that as an architect, he had been responsible for the redevelopment of Berlin and other major German city centres. Also, because of his status as a senior member and a minister of the Reich parliament, he was chiefly responsible for the prolonging of the war by initiating a rapid increase in the production of armaments. He had also played a contributing effect to Germany's violation of the Geneva Convention...
putting his highly effective, clever and manageable plans into action. This in turn proved decisive for a substantial rise in the production of armaments and thus prolonged the war for Germany. However the price to pay for theses stages in development contributed to an excuse blaming Germany for atrocities committed towards human beings, as the benefits of mass production and expansion were met with Germany's harsh use of forced labour and deprival of certain liberties. Without Speer's involvement in German affairs from 1918 to 1945, such immense changes to the German society would have been extremely unlikely to occur.
putting his highly effective, clever and manageable plans into action. This in turn proved decisive for a substantial rise in the production of armaments and thus prolonged the war for Germany. However the price to pay for theses stages in development contributed to an excuse blaming Germany for atrocities committed towards human beings, as the benefits of mass production and expansion were met with Germany's harsh use of forced labour and deprival of certain liberties. Without Speer's involvement in German affairs from 1918 to 1945, such immense changes to the German society would have been extremely unlikely to occur.
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